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Spotlight Series: Micro Miami Weddings

Learn about Sofia Benitez-Levy and Micro Miami Weddings, her planning business in charge of creating detailed and intimate micro weddings and elopements.

Josie Brooks Photography

As extravagant as they can be, weddings aren't all for show. At Micro Miami, owner and creator, Sofia believes that, "The beauty of the day is a resounding result of the couple's love." Quality over quantity is something micro weddings prioritize, which helps relieve a lot of stress traditional weddings may put on couples.

Tell us a little about yourself/your background and what drew you into wanting to be a part of the wedding planning industry.

"Micro Miami Weddings has been a passion project of mine for the last two years. I’ve been in this industry for over 6 years and found myself lacking the spark that brought me to the industry in the first place. If you are wondering which spark, well, the spark of happy and long-lasting marriages that go outside a beautiful and well-planned/designed day. The beauty of the day is just a resounding result of the couple’s love and that brought me to create MMW. A micro wedding planning boutique service that offers more than a wedding day. And who is to say wedding days can be as beautiful as love itself?"

What benefits are there to using a wedding planner for newly engaged couples?

"Having a wedding planner is a tremendous tool to not only support the couple in the logistics of the day but be the resounding voice throughout the planning and designing period. Personally, I remind each couple that investing in a planner is investing in peace of mind. We teach you everything from correct budget planning to ways to make the most of your wedding day. In our case, we offer more than just planning. We love getting to know our couples and creating beautifully designed wedding days that are filled with details of their story."

Justine Berges Photography

Has there ever been a wedding you planned that was outside of your comfort


"I am a firm believer that every wedding has a challenge and no one wedding is perfect. And that to me is beautiful. It ensures that I must trust my team and my planning skills. Which I am highly proud of due to the amount of wedding and studying hours we invest on a weekly basis to ensure things happen accordingly. A comfort zone is never a place we like to be because it means we are stagnant and repetitive. Words that are in our vocabulary as designers hurt. So, every wedding pushes us to greater places!"

How do you incorporate a couple’s personality within the wedding planning process?

"In MMW, we have built an extensive process to get to know each and every couple in the most profound ways. It starts from the moment we get your inquiry. There, we send a questionnaire that asks questions regarding your relationships and details that may not seem keen for wedding planning but are important to us. For example, one bride during a venue walkthrough told us a story about her grandmother’s pineapple plant that they used to eat and share around the neighborhood, which brought joy to her. She mentioned that her grandmother was no longer on this Earth and that led us to a creative place. In which we took her story and made it special. The florist and I decided to add little pineapples to the centerpieces as ‘hidden mickeys’ for the bride to appreciate. And that is how we typically get to incorporate unique and special stories into wedding days."

If there was any iconic past wedding you wish you could have helped plan, which would it be?

"I am a sucker for history and would have loved to help plan Lady Di’s iconic wedding. She was such an icon that I can’t imagine how incredible it would have been to incorporate her fabulous stand into every detail while ensuring it was up to par for a royal wedding."

What are the three words that come to mind when describing your aesthetic?

"Modern, unique, and timeless."

What is one wedding memory you will always remember?

"A wedding day memory that always gets me is the father and daughter dances. Personally, I was unable to dance with my father due to COVID and it broke my heart. He and I are peas in a pod. But, when I get to see my brides live my dream, it fills my heart with joy."

What differentiates you from other businesses in the wedding planning industry?

"Differences are made when you stand to create from passion and admiration for what you do. That is why I believe MMW is different from many others. Josie Brooks Photography

Our team and I don’t rush to take on

weddings for the sake of business. But, get to know each couple better to make sure we are a good fit for them and that we are mutually excited about the process. So the differences come from the personable and reliable relationships we build with each couple and the unique modern designs we create. Also, the fact that we plan micro weddings."

What are the long-term goals you have for your business?

"My goal with MMW has always been the same since day one. To create a space where creatives can feel free and inspired to do more. For many years I struggled with the confinement of my ideas. Knowing that I longed and could do so much more. That uncomfortable led me to reach out to planners with a massive desire to help. Some easily ignored my pleas. Others welcomed me with open arms. I want MMW to welcome them with open arms to other creatives in a space/studio where they can simply be one with their many thoughts. That way, we can keep making fabulous wedding days happen with the inspiration of the creatives that surround us."

To hear more about Micro Miami and Sofia, follow them on Instagram @micromiami or head over to their website:

Keep an eye out for upcoming Spotlight Series posts on The Bride Guide, and make sure to follow Hanna Gotz Studio on Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok, for more content like this!


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